Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lathrop's October Surprise II

Keep an eye out for more information coming out about the man who claims to be the sole driving force behind Jeremy D. Maurer, fearless P.I. and "opposition researcher." This may be Lathrop's second "October surprise" today and we're going to give you a sneak preview.

Back in 2005, Maurer set up a website to defame someone named James Morrison. Mr. Morrison fought back and won a civil judgment against Maurer in 2008 in North Carolina to the tune of $165,350. Since we know how much everyone loves "documents," we have copies of the judgment from North Carolina included in "application for entry of judgment on sister-state judgment" and a "notice of entry of judgment on sister-state judgment" from California ordering Maurer, who resides in California, to pay Morrison.

The defamatory website was taken down but we discovered remnants of it posted on another website. One of the accusations made by Morrison against Maurer was that he and an associate tried to extort money from Morrison by offering to sell him the website for $50,000. Still think Jeremy Maurer is doing this for free?


  1. I don't care who this guy is because he isn't an elected official. Why would I hold Joe the plummer to a higher standard than the person I voted for? Hardly an October Surprise. The Stockton Record Article was funny. Doesn't everyone know that the grand jury has no jurisdiction on this. I saw this as desperation on the Sayles front to put diversion out there. I almost feel sorry for her.

  2. I am happy to hear that you have now learned how to find documants. so now you should be able to go find out that the ones posted about Mrs. Sayles are true and not fake. I wish you stop giving Mrs. sayles false hope that she can sue and make money to pay off her debts. because she is very close to going to the GRand jury again and this time she won't be able to get off so easy because not eveyone has as kind a heart to let her off because they felt sorry for her. Tax fraude is a crime too Mrs Sayles and last I heard being married to two men at the same time is also a crime. so becarful what you wish for.

  3. Isn't it funny the way people who are wrong attack the character of others when confronted? Instead of giving your readers proof of Kristy's innocence, you revert to name calling and innuendos. Gosh, this sounds exactly like a Hair Dude tactic!
    Kristy has repeatedly bad mouthed the Luckey's on her fliers and lied over and over about their motives. However, as soon as she doesn't like something that's being said about her, she runs to the Grand Jury, which is funny, because they have no jurisdiction over freedom of speech!
    BTW,has anyone noticed that Mommie Dearest used to have 7 children and now she only has 6? Ahhh, out of the mouths of babes-who is she going to go running to now? Wanna go for a swim Kristy??

  4. The former post was mine, Laura Thimler. I refuse to be anonymous!

  5. Calling Sarah Palin, there is a crazy Caribou on the loose in Lathrop. She is in disguise though pretending to be an upstanding citizen. Please get on your chopper and head down here.

  6. Ha, look what I found. It appears Mr. Morrison is the one who did these things. Read the article.

  7. Yes, apparently Morrison is a sleazebag in his own right but it doesn't negate the lawsuit and judgment against Maurer.

  8. According to the article, he falisfied court documents. Anyone can get a default judgment if one were to falsify proof of service forms. How would someone even know to defend themself?
