Sunday, April 05, 2009

The hits keep coming

Today's Manteca Bulletin has an article about whether Lathrop should have an elected mayor or go back to the old days where members of the city council rotated the duties of the mayor. In an interview with one person, planning commissioner Dan MacNeilage, the Bulletin gives publicity to the League of Extraodinary Gadflies and their neverending quest to destroy Mayor Kristy Sayles. Nevermind that the voters overwhelmingly decided they wanted an elected mayor back in 1994 and nevermind that the voters also overwhelmingly elected Sayles to be their mayor in the last two elections. Since the mayor's term of office is only 2 years, they must be afraid the citizens of Lathrop might elect her to a third term. The League of Extraordinary Village Idiots thinks they know what's best for Lathrop, not the voters.

This latest attack comes after an attempt to keep Mayor Sayles from going on a lobbying trip to Washington DC this month as part of the regional One Voice group that includes representatives from Manteca and neighboring cities.

One question for the Bulletin and reporter Rose Albano-Risso: Why are you giving these detractors so much time and column space in your newspaper? Could it be that Albano-Risso is friends with developers Tom and Cathy Luckey who allegedly bankrolled the vicious website that attacked Mayor Sayles and her family last year? The Luckeys have deep ties to MacNeilage and one of the other League members, "Chaka" Santos, another bully critic of the mayor. Santos also ran for mayor last election but lost by a landslide. The article decries the name-calling and mudslinging that went on during the election, but blames it on Mayor Sayles! Anyone who follows this blog knows where the name-calling and mud-slinging came from and it wasn't from the mayor.

Shame on the Bulletin and Albano-Risso for spreading such nonsense and for being an accomplice in this continued bullying smear campaign against Lathrop and its mayor.

The League of Ignorant Villagers are bullies. Maybe in person Commissioner MacNeilage is a nice friendly guy but behind the keyboard he becomes a vicious bully who threatens to knock some teeth out when he doesn't like something. MacNeilage was one of the biggest posters on the website against Mayor Sayles last year and claimed it was all in good fun but seems he can't take it when some fun is poked in his direction.


  1. Jackie, I am a nice guy.......I am all man and am NOBODYS doormat. I DID NOT threaten to knock Joes teeth out.....I like Joe and I was merely offering a ride to the dentist to have those green chompers cleaned. Really Joe, it looked like you were eating broccoli.....for a LONG time.....without brushing! Just trying to be helpful.
    And Tom!!!!!! you sure PISSED someone off. Thats really hard to understand when everything YOU have to say is BEHIND the persons back! Makes it easier to reach for their wallet.
    FUNNY how the tides turn when you set out to shit on everyone.
    GOOD LUCK with those teeth Joe!
    Dan Mac Neilage

  2. Nice guys don't yell, curse and threaten people especially when they represent their community in an appointed position. You made threats when you were angry, now you were just joking right? Maybe you should consider how your words come across when you're posting on the internet and remember that once those words are out there they never go away.

    Lathrop is so deep into drama and longing for the past when corruption went unchallenged that you and your friends actually think you're justified in bullying and threatening anyone who might affect the status quo.

  3. "Maybe you should consider how your words come across when you're posting on the internet and remember that once those words are out there they never go away."

    You do not know me Jackie. I have welcomed both you and Joe to ask and discuss ANY political view that you want to know about me. I have extended my hand to Joe in the lobby of city hall. I never went after you or Joe until I felt attacked by your remarks about ME personally, on this web-site. My position with the City of lathrop is in the capacity of a volunteer.A Planning Commissioner simply reviews the staff recomendations and advises to council the findings.I do this because my Construction experience brings a cornicopia of proven feild knowledge to the table........Not in the development stage only....but primarily in the construction stage. My construction sites are in the 60-250 acre size dealing 3-500 men and managing a budget of a few to several hundred million.....
    My community knows me to be a good father, a husband that cared for his wife until she took her final breath on this planet in our home.......I have given my time to EVERY cause I have been asked to by cooking for several hundred to providing generators for community events on my own dime.........I have active on everything from the Boys and girls club......make a wish foundation.......little league.......give every child a chance....united way....relay for life....Agape Villages adoption agency.....I can keep going.....
    I disagree with what has happened to this little slice of paradise that used to exist here where neighbors knew neighbors and people looked out for those less fortunate. I take offence to those that will try to destroy those things for self-serving purposes. You have chosen to align yourself with the Mayor and her husband without EVER.....EVER.....EVER speaking to one single person that opposes her policies or politics. YOU started the attacks on poeple you dont even know anything about!
    Let me ask you a question Jackie......what have you ever volunteered for in your community? What have you or Joe ever done for ANYONE in Lathrop besides perpetuate character assasination? Tommy Boy said it best.....lay with dogs and you get fleas.......sounds like experience talking there..........
    Dan Mac Neilage
