Friday, December 05, 2008

A tree lights in Lathrop

I was hoping to get a picture of Mayor Sayles throwing a big knife switch with sparks flying as she lit the Lathrop Christmas tree, but that wasn't in the plan. I was told some guy in the back "plugged it in" at the right time. But it worked. And as you can see there was a tree and a party with lots of free goodies. I was told by City Clerk Caldeira that I must find a spot to see that star at the top of the tree. They were very proud of that star.

I also got a chance to speak with the new guy, Councilman Chris Mateo. He was easy to talk to, open and answered every question, no matter how dumb. Sorry I didn't have a video.

He said his reason for wanting to be on the council was to "improve the quality of life" in Lathrop. I asked how might he do that. He mentioned "crime." I asked if he thought Lathrop had a lot of crime and he said "no." So then I asked why does he want to [expend resources as a priority] reduce it? He was quick with an answer that the crime rate was "non-zero." Hmm. I may have met my match in answering dumb questions.

To be elected, he said he went door to door and met people. He expressed how exhausting his campaign was.

Next I hit him with the same question we asked the other candidates, "who's your favorite economist?" And without missing a beat he responded "Galbraith?" John Kenneth Galbraith? Eww..., sorry, that wasn't the right answer. The correct answer was Milton Friedman but I would have accepted Ludwig von Mises, Friedrick Hayek or Henry Hazlett or even Ronald Reagan or Adam Smith. But he still scores higher than most because he was able to actually spit out the name of an economist. I asked why didn't he just pick John Maynard Keynes? He said that was another of his favorites. Eek! I mentioned (half kidding) in other words "we're doomed."

There is hope though because he did express general support for the mayor's initiative to loosen the restrictions on businesses displaying signs and banners advertising their services. He said that was something to be open to because "the economic times are tough." He's right about that!

1 comment:

  1. Hey wait a minute! I'm a Lathrop resident and I didn't receive a knock on my door during the campaign. I still don't know what Mr. Mateo looks like.
    If we have no crime why would CRIME be a priority. I think someone should get out there and pick up the trash and maybe green up the place. It's pretty depressing over here in Olde Towne.
